Friday, July 22, 2011

The sweet smell of victory, and the bitter taste of defeat.

What a crazy few weeks it's been since my last update! Getting all kinds of stuff done, getting ready to graduate, trying to find a job, and having a lot of fun!

This past week ended on a sober note though, as week 12 was the last week to finish all the timed competencies. We witnessed many good men give it their all to finish, in order to graduate with the rest of the class. Most came through victorious, and some, through no lack of heart or will, fall just short of the finish line.  

Inspiring is the one word I would use to describe these gentlemen who pushed passed difficulty to nearly accomplish what even they would have considered impossible at the start of our course. But the most inspiring of all was Wilkerson.

Wilkerson needed several competencies at the start of the day. He plowed through them all, except one: 6 up downs in 8 minutes. He had previously missed it by a few short seconds, so it didn't seem like it would be a problem.

First try, no luck. 

Around 3:45 he had his second try, and people started cheering, spraying water on his back (it was a hot day), anything to help him out. It was a no go.

Wilkerson took a break, obviously feeling dejected. As he headed back over to the pole to give it one last shot, McCormack shouted, "Wilkie! You're going to get it done, I'm doing it with you!" Several others joined in, and most available poles were taken. Those who didn't climb, gave their verbal support. Nearly the entire school, Edison and Tesla were united to cheer Wilkie on.

Emotions were running passionately high, as Wilkerson started his climb. 1,2,3 up downs done. 

4 down, then 5. The sole desire of nearly 90 people united in this one man now slowly lifting one foot after another lifting an exhausted body slowly up a rugged pole. Halfway up on the last up down the frenzy reached it's stirring peak.

                                      Wilkerson was going to make it.

Finally down at the bottom of the pole, the last up down just a memory.

A hush fell on the crowd as Wilkerson, when told his results, slowly nodded his head. He didn't make it under time.

Embraces followed, and dry eyes were few and far between. We all gathered together, and Mr. Rogers made the announcement that they had never seen anything like the amount of support that they saw today for a fellow student, and camaraderie and heart means much more than the legality of the time in which things need to be done. With that in mind, he announced the extension of the timed competencies until the end of week 13. Great news for Wilkerson, and all of us who wanted so badly for him to succeed. 

Such an inspiring story, and a lesson that transcends any educational experience.

With that, I'll post some other photos I've taken (and a video - significantly better quality than previous videos, since I uploaded it to youtube, and linked to the blog), enjoy!

The Last of the Mohicans

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