Saturday, July 30, 2011

Setting poles, and a burger fit for a journeyman.

Just a quick blog post to keep ya'll updated. A lot of academic stuff this weekend, since we have a 4 page research paper, 4 labs, and a crew presentation due on Monday. I was up until 4 last night getting the paper done, and plan on staying up late tonight to work on my part of the crew presentation. Coffee, how I love thee...

A lot of this week was spent tearing down, and rebuilding the 'climbing pit.' We use a hydraulic pole jack to loosen the pole from the ground, then lift it out with the winch. The hole is then redrilled and retamped. A new pole can then be set into the hole, after first framing the arms and insulators. Here's a picture of the view from behind the controls of the winch.

Tamping in the new pole
 So there is this place in Boise called Big Jud's. If you're ever in Boise, go there. They make some of the best burgers I've ever had. Big too. You can buy the 1lb burger (seen below), or if you're feeling exceptionally famished... the DOUBLE 1 POUNDER! They have a challenge, if you can eat the whole 1lb burger, and a pound of fries you get to live forever in notoriety with your picture on the wall. I didn't quite make it.

Man vs. Food gave the 2lber a shot... check it out!

That's all for now!  Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Any lineman that would attempt to eat that burger is a lineman worth hiring in my book!
