Tuesday, August 16, 2011




.......What now?

Wow. It's finally here. The start of the rest of my career. I can finally get out there and get some work done. But am I truly happy to leave? This is most definitely a bitter-sweet time. Because I'm going to go work with a real crew, but the crew of 40 guys or so I've been working with everyday I will most likely never see again. We had our rodeo, our graduation, and that's it. I joked with a few of the guys, telling them "Don't worry, you'll see me again. I'll be your foreman someday!" But it doesn't disguise the fact that this is a really sad time. 

But I need to focus on the future.

That's why I've been applying like a madman, staying up late and doing the same thing over and over and over again. Expecting that at some point I wont get a "Sorry, we've decided to pursue other candidates."
But it only takes one!

And I'm confident that I will very soon be working in the trade. I will keep posting off and on, letting everyone know how the job searching is going. And eventually, how my apprenticeship is. So keep your eyes peeled. And in the meantime, check out the slideshow I made for Edison. 

And, here are a few rodeo pics that my wife took!

The Rodeo
You can see my sister in the reflection of my shades taking this photo.
View from the top.


  1. It's only a matter of time, my cousin/friend. We are all very proud of you for doing this. You are a great provider, father and husband.

  2. Great job Andrew!

  3. Oh good it let me post!I finally just pushed anonymous instead of trying through Google.

    I'm Proud of all of your accomplichments. You'll get a job soon. Love, Mom
