Sunday, August 7, 2011

14 down, 1 to go!

Well, we're down to the last week. Coming up Monday we have finals, Friday we have the rodeo and graduation, then we get a road map and a boot in the rear. This past week, everyone was working on the last of their competencies, working the delivery of crew presentations, and taking tours of various Idaho Power facilities. We went to a substation, systems operations, the main office, and  a generation facility (swan falls dam). Very impressive stuff. The substation was HUGE.

Here's a picture of half of the outside, and the control area...
The substation

The back part of the controls.

Oh and here's a picture for my friend, Bryan.

Here are some photos of the "dam tour."

One of the original turbines at the old dam

The control area for the new dam.
The other thing I mentioned was that we did a lot of crew presentations this week. I caught a part of one on video, because they said they were going to ignite hydrogen. The crew used electrolysis of water to fill a balloon with hydrogen. The way it works is, a DC current is applied across a container of salt water, the water is then broken down into hydrogen and oxygen. Pretty cool stuff! Here's the video!

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