Monday, May 2, 2011

Week One, Day One.

So today was my first day of school. Holy cow, it's going to be tough. It's a lot of everything crammed into 15 weeks. Climbing, theory, driving trucks, CDL training, CPR training, flagging training, strength training, any kind of training that may be associated with line-work, it'll be covered.

I think it seems a little overwhelming now because we were told what to expect within three months time, and I'm used to planning my schedule weekly. I expect that as time moves on and I complete some assignments, things will seem less stressful. I just can't wait until we start climbing. 

Speaking of climbing check out this little number we have to climb up, across, down, and then do it again.

Oh, and also it's 100' tall.

Here are more pics...

Trucks :-D



                                                 A bunch of what I think are baby transformers...

And last, but certainly not least, I bought some tools today!

Enjoy the pics!...  I'll upload more, hopefully with people in the pictures next time...


  1. you can thank Nikola Tesla for it not being MORE complicated and dangerous.

  2. Climbing that tower looks like it would be a rush. Just make sure when you get to the top you take off your shirt and scream "FREEEEEEDDDDOOOMMMMM!!!"
