Friday, June 24, 2011

Ladders on the ground? Nah.

So about the coolest thing we did this week was stand to on a ladder, suspended from an "h structure".
Let me take that back.

About the coolest thing I've ever done was to stand on a ladder, suspended from and "h structure." I know it looks crazy, and trust me, it is.

But it's perfectly safe. 

NLC practices 100% attachment, which means at no point can I fall far enough to become seriously hurt. Which is good, and calms the nerves to a point, but still a little unsettling at first for sure.

Here's the photographic evidence.

Those glass insulators are pretty heavy, btw.

Also, a video! Notice the flip around...

Anyway, been having all kinds of fun learning the trade and quite frankly, learning a lot about myself. Until next time, be safe!

Quote(s) of the week,
"I wouldn't eat that sandwich!" - Turner, as I grabbed my lunch off the rack...
"I didn't pack a sandwich" - Me, as I sat down.
"Oh, man. I totally thought I was going to trick you!" - Turner
"Hahahahaha" - Me, as I pulled out my sandwich.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew, you have a very patient, understanding, loving wife to stay home with the kids knowing what their father is doing all day. I'm sure it's much safer than it looks, but it makes me nervous as a wife and mother. Or maybe you just have a rockin' awesome life insurance policy that helps calm her nerves a little, that and a few drinks. lol.
