Friday, June 10, 2011

Words. Pictures. Videos.

First off, let me apologise. It's been a week + since I've updated. The good news is - instead of periodic updates, I will now update once a week, on the weekend.

This week we started climbing two types of transmission poles, stream-line and H structure.  In climbing, we're starting to learn "hurt man rescue" and cross-arm change-out, also we started changing out insulators in distribution. So a lot going on as far as new stuff, also it's very exciting being up on the transmission poles!

As far as book stuff, we started Electrical theory this week (atomic structure - Valance electrons, magnetic induction, etc.), and continue to learn about "Working On Lines and Equipment." (working on de-energised equipment)

The other thing is, I brought the "good camera" in on Wednesday, and got some fantastic photos. Check them out!

 Also, I Have Videos! Here's Kinzy and Clark crossing each other on the H structure.

 And here I am, on top of the streamline!

Have a great week!

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